About the Benefactor
Fariborz Maseeh
Founder & President of the Massiah® Foundation
The Massiah® Foundation’s founder and president, Fariborz Maseeh is at heart both a scientist and an entrepreneur. His undergraduate and graduate studies in the fields of mechanical engineering and applied mathematics inspired him to pursue the field of micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS). In 1991 he founded IntelliSense with the vision to reduce the time and expense of creating next-generation MEMS devices that had broad industrial and humanitarian applications—from airplane landing gear to pace makers. As his company grew, so did his desire to give back to the community. Ever grateful to his inspiring teachers and educational institutions that nurtured his skills and dreams, his philanthropy is inclined towards education, youth, scientific innovation, healthcare and culture.
Mr. Maseeh founded the Massiah Foundation in 2000 on the concept of venture philanthropy. This means that the Massiah Foundation targets unique opportunities to invest in entities that will have a lasting and broad impact. It also seeks to leverage its resources to attract co-investors from the community so that the goals of impact and longevity will be realized.
The Massiah Foundation mirrors Mr. Maseeh’s entrepreneurial spirit as he applies management principles to improve the value of the Foundation’s social investments. It also applies his solution-based approach toward innovation and finding unique opportunities to serve and unite people and their communities.